Pest Control for Businesses

by Suzanne Carroll


Most businesses will have a pest control issue at some point. Photo: ATCO Pest Control ©2021

Keeping a workspace pest-free is important for the health and safety of both employees and customers. Thankfully, many companies specialize in providing pest control solutions for commercial settings.

How Common are Pests in the Workplace?

Businesses are just as susceptible to pest infestations as homes —some even more so. Food attracts rodents, insects and even birds, which makes pests continuous obstacles for restaurants. But offices with freely available snacks can also find themselves dealing with infestations. Similarly, stored inventory such as clothing, furniture, and bedding may attract destructive species of moths and beetles. No matter your industry, you’re likely at risk for a pest infestation. In fact, 90 percent of businesses reported dealing with a pest control issue in the last five years. 

If you notice pests in your workplace, it’s important to document what you see and act quickly. Be sure to follow any industry-specific regulations regarding pests. Also, make note of any weather events, construction projects or product deliveries that could have been a factor in the infestation. 

When to Hire a Pest Control Professional

Spotting an occasional ant or fly in your workplace doesn’t necessarily warrant hiring a pest control service. Traps and sprays can be effective at eliminating the occasional pest when used correctly and with consideration for how the chemicals may affect the work environment. However, there are situations where hiring a pest control company is preferable or even necessary. If you’re frequently reaching for the bug spray, this could be a sign of a more serious infestation. Some insects like bed bugs and termites are inherently invasive and require professional extermination. Rodents are just as smart as they are destructive, but a pest control professional can identify and seal off their entry points to your business. 

Working with a pest control company has several advantages. For one, its technicians have more knowledge and experience in solving pest control issues, which means you’re unlikely to experience a recurring problem. Also, you and your employees will be more productive when pests are no longer an unwelcome distraction.

What to Expect From a Commercial Pest Control Company

Once you hire a commercial pest control company, a technician will do an initial inspection of your workplace to determine the extent of the infestation and try to identify the sources. Most companies will apply the principles of integrated pest management (IPM), which accounts for environmental factors, employee comfort and the natural life cycle of the pests when developing a pest control solution that’s best for a particular building. The goal is to treat pests in a way that’s humane and environmentally conscious while prioritizing the health and safety of workers. In practice, IPM utilizes a variety of approaches to maintain a pest-free environment, including making greater use of nontoxic chemicals, scheduling preventative treatments and educating employees on changes they can make to reduce the likelihood of pest incursions. 

Businesses like restaurants and hotels face greater consequences in the event of an infestation. If a customer or health inspector finds a roach, a mouse or bed bugs, the business faces not only bad publicity but legal ramifications. Commercial pest control companies often offer regular services for these industries to help prevent future infestations. 


Today, commercial pest control companies use a variety of techniques to handle infestations. However, there are circumstances where the best method is fumigation. If your business is experiencing issues with bed bugs, termites, fleas or ticks, fumigation is the most effective way to end the infestation and prevent another. This process requires sealing the entire structure under a fumigation tent. Once sealed, technicians will release a gaseous fumigant into the tent, which will freely flow into every crack and pore of the building. Fumigation can take up to a week to complete and the process requires significant preparation beforehand to ensure safety. A quality commercial pest control company will have the equipment necessary to fumigate large structures like warehouses and can guide you through the fumigation process. 

Preventing Future Pest Infestations

Simple changes to workplace procedures can make future pest infestations far less likely. Employees should be encouraged to ditch the candy drawer and instead keep all food in airtight containers or sealable plastic bags. Any food trash should be removed on a daily basis. Outside the building, be sure to maintain window and door screens, quickly address any leaks, and drain any areas with standing water. Creating a tidy, well-maintained work environment will go a long way toward preventing pests. 

Failure to properly handle a pest infestation can lead to a loss of inventory, a loss of customers and lower workplace morale. In this moment, people are especially attuned to whether their surroundings are clean and sanitary. If you’re experiencing a workplace pest infestation, find a top rated pest control specialist in your area. In the meantime, take extra steps to keep the pests at bay. 

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