3 Important Aspects of Paver Design

by Chris Bjorklund

3 Important Aspects of Paver Design

When designing a paver patio, walkway or driveway, there are multiple aspects you’ll need to consider. Here are a few important ones to keep in mind:

Color/style coherence

Even if your paver installation looks great, if it doesn’t match your home, it can create a discordant effect. To avoid this, be sure to choose colors that complement your home. Likewise, make sure the style of the pavers you choose makes sense for your home’s architectural design.


Your paver installation may look beautiful, but if it isn’t practical, you may wind up with unexpected frustrations. For example, if you have elderly family members who live with you or visit often, a cobblestone walkway isn’t a good choice—not only will it make using a walker or wheelchair difficult, it will also increase the chances for falls.

Stone size

Paving stones come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so consider the full spectrum of your options. Homeowners installing pavers in a small area often assume larger stones are out of the question, but this isn’t necessarily the case. In some scenarios, a large stone can actually make a small area appear more expansive.