The Three “D's” of Mosquito Protection

by Chris Bjorklund


Mosquitoes can wreak havoc on summer gatherings if you don’t go on the defensive. I’ve learned the hard way to be proactive, starting with what I’m wearing. The first “D” is for Dress. According to the American Mosquito Control Association, many species of mosquitoes are attracted to dark clothing, so it’s better to wear light colored and loose-fitting clothes. Mosquitoes bite through tight clothes more easily. Long sleeves and full-length pants are recommended.

The second “D” is for Drain. Keep an eye on standing water that might accumulate in gutters, bird baths, pool covers, recycling containers, woodpile tarps or your pets’ water dishes. Finally, the third “D” is for Defend, which refers to using effective repellents like DEET, Picaridin and oil of lemon eucalyptus (OLE). Follow the directions carefully. Repellents should be applied sparingly to exposed skin, not clothing, and washed off after coming indoors.

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