Spotlight: The Mediation Process

by Ian Leary


Nearly all disputes that are mediated under the Diamond Certified Performance Guarantee are resolved with a mutually agreeable solution. Photo: American Ratings Corporation, 2015

When working with a service company, sometimes a dispute arises from an unmet expectation or a simple misunderstanding. Many disagreements are resolved after the parties work with each other using the contract for guidance. Sometimes people find it difficult to resolve a dispute on their own. The Diamond Certified Resource is here to help. Our mediation department helps people craft their own agreements. Diamond Certified dispute resolution is always free and we back it up per the terms of our Performance Guarantee.

If you’ve been unable to resolve a dispute with a Diamond Certified company, you may initiate mediation by calling Ian Leary at (415) 884-2700 x301. Ian will note the nature of the dispute and then send you a copy of our Mediation Intake form. After you fill out the form, return it along with a copy of the contract or work order, change orders and any other supporting documentation.

Upon receipt of the contract and Mediation Intake form, Joy Lanzaro, our Director of Mediation, will work with both parties toward a resolution. Each dispute is unique and therefore mediated with due regard to the unique needs and perceptions of each person involved. We start by comparing what was agreed upon by contract, industry standards and the actual service provided. We identify the points on which the parties agree and disagree and why. Joy then uses a process of shuttle diplomacy to communicate between the parties until an agreement is reached.

If an agreement cannot be reached due to the failure of the Diamond Certified company to honor contractual obligations, uphold industry standards or participate in the dispute resolution process in good faith, the customer may receive up to $1,000 of their purchase price ($2,000 for Diamond Certified Preferred Consumers) per the terms of the Diamond Certified Performance Guarantee.

Nearly all disputes that are mediated under the Diamond Certified Performance Guarantee are resolved with a mutually agreeable solution.

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