Spring Training for Your Team!

by jim-stein@att.net

Fortunately, El Niño has brought his rain and snow to our parched state. A last wet blast as we head into spring sets the stage for sunny skies, flowers blooming, birds nesting and new grasses growing. Spring is a season of renewal. For consumers, moods brighten, house projects are planned, cars are serviced and winter-delayed health appointments are booked. For company managers, it’s a time to achieve performance numbers, optimize employee skills, satisfy customers and generate more referrals.

As Giants and A’s spring training gets underway, I’m always reminded that even though these athletes have played ball most of their lives, spring training is a time of renewal—a focused opportunity to work on perfecting the fundamentals. The same holds true for companies, and that’s why I encourage you to take advantage of our Diamond Certified Spring Training (if you qualify Matt Cainfor Diamond Certified). Quality customers are attracted to and influenced by Diamond Certified and most of your competitors haven’t earned it, so if you qualify, presenting your company as Diamond Certified will be very important. We’ll conduct a 30-minute Diamond Certified Spring Training session at your location and turbocharge you and your staff. To beat local competitors, your team must be well-trained and on its game. It’s wise to maximize your team’s usage of Diamond Certified (if you qualify) to differentiate your company as rated Highest in Quality for customer satisfaction and helpful expertise.