Customers From Another Planet

Planet DigitalIf your company is like most, its core value proposition is essentially the same as it was a decade ago. Although your process and products have likely improved, your customer promise essentially hasn’t changed: to deliver your professional service with high levels of quality, on time and for a fair price. However, one thing that’s radically changed during this time is that now, almost all of your potential customers find and evaluate your business on the web before they buy. The change from Yellow Pages, old media and word of mouth is so dramatic, it’s as if customers are now beaming in from another planet!

The implications of this change are great. For one, in the span of a little more than a decade, your company’s digital presentation has gone from zero importance to the most important representation of your company. This fact alone radically changes your playing field. Fortunately, most of your competitors don’t realize how important this point is, and if you qualify for Diamond Certified, you’ll have several huge digital advantages over your competitors. Here’s how you’ll optimize your company’s digital presentation.

1. Diamond Certified Company Report. If you qualify for Diamond Certified, this entire page will be the most powerful digital presentation of your company anywhere. It’s even more powerful than your own website because it’s independent and highly trusted. Everything meaningful that potential customers need to research your company is presented on one page. Graphs and verbatim survey responses from a large, statistically reliable sample of real, verified customers provide powerful proof that your company is top-rated. Researched articles about your company, photos and a video profile help potential customers get to know you and feel comfortable with your company before they call.

Logic Equation

2. Bring your digital to the analog party. When you total up all your digital communications with potential customers, meeting face to face (analog) is more rare and valuable than ever. We all have a foot in each world, so helping your potential customers understand your company in each medium is critical.

  • If you earn Diamond Certified, you can pull up your Company Report page on a potential customer’s computer or use yours to walk her through the key information on the page. You can also save your page to her Favorites on her browser so she can easily get back to it to show her family and other influencers after you leave.Reviews
  • If you qualify for Diamond Certified, you’ll be able to show potential clients your custom Diamond Certified Brochure, which includes the exact link language to your Company Report that suggests they can research the most accurate and in-depth information about the quality of your company on an independent rating site.

3. It’s the rating. Half your customers relate to numbers, half to stories. A substantial majority of both groups use “reviews” if the source is trusted. On each Diamond Certified Company Report page, the analytical nature of the company’s Ratings Dashboard strongly influences the “numbers people” and the long list of verbatim survey responses provide the “stories” behind its top-rated Diamond Certified award. If you qualify for Diamond Certified, you’ll show each potential customer your best proof of high, sustained performance on behalf of customers.

4. Facebook. It’s not only about Likes, presence and reach. Think about it. A certain percentage of your potential customers will check out your Facebook (FB) page, but very few will decide to follow your every post by Liking your whole FB page. If you have a good FB page, your potential customers process this data point and it adds weight to choosing you. Every positive data point helps!

Facebook HelpIf you earn Diamond Certified, we’ll help you set up a FB page or improve your existing one by giving you a feed of the popular Diamond Certified Tip of the Day series and recent customer survey responses (with a link to your Company Report page).