Tips for Hiring and Working With an Attic and Crawl Space Cleaning Contractor

attic crew employee cleaning an attic

In the same way that most homeowners are selective about who works in their homes, local contractors can be equally selective. That’s because the best companies often have limited resources and prefer to work with consumers who value their services and are easy to work with. That doesn’t mean you have to be a pushover, but it does mean that good customer behavior can encourage local attic and crawl space cleaning companies to want to work in your home. Consider the following tips when dealing with a prospective hire:

1. Show that you want to find value and quality services rather than simply the lowest bid. You can show your interest in quality by asking questions about inspection methods, cleaning and repair techniques, warranties, and lasting value rather than price alone.

2. Be upfront with the crawl space and attic cleaning contractors. Let them know if you’re interviewing other contractors and accepting competing bids. But only consider companies that offer quality work and don’t accept more than five bids. Again, resist the urge to shop on price alone and choose to hire licensed, insured contractors that provide reliable, detailed service.

3. Tell your attic and crawl space cleaning company representative exactly what you want done. This will allow them to give you the most accurate bid possible and help them understand exactly what you want and expect. If the cleaners you’re interviewing can’t provide what you need or want, it’s better to find out before you’ve wasted your time and theirs.

4. Hire a local company. Most contractors prefer to work within a local area so they can provide faster service and be available for their customers. Hiring companies that are only in town for a short time can limit the quality of service you get and prevent the company from being available to you if you need them again.


Now That You’ve Found the Best Attic and Crawl Space Cleaning Contractor for You

Once you’ve done your research and found the company that best suits your needs, you can move forward and sign a contract. Good contracts should include details about the scope of the inspection and work, any materials and products to be used, payment terms, the expected timeline for the job, and any warranties and guarantees.

The company should provide a contract and allow you to read through it and ask questions before signing. This agreement protects you, your property and the contractor, so it’s important that you understand all terms and exclusions. Don’t ever sign an incomplete or blank estimate or contract.

If you’ve made any verbal agreements with your attic and crawl space cleaning contractor, write them into the contract before you both sign it. These may include expectations and instructions, start and end dates, and any other items that you want part of the official job contract. Then schedule the work and follow through with your end of the job.


Tips for Successfully Working With a Local Attic and Crawl Space Cleaning Company

Here are a few things you can do both before and during your attic and crawl space cleaning service to help the work move along smoothly:

  • Have a list of specific tasks that you want the company to do. This can help ensure you get the service you need and may cut down on the billable hours.
  • Clear unnecessary items from the area where the contractor will be working. Make sure the entrances to your attic and crawl space are clear of debris and easily accessible. If you store items in your attic or crawl space, remove them to allow your contractor to get right in. If there’s furniture or art near the access points, you may want to move and store them in a safe place to prevent damage or breakage.
  • Ask ahead of time whether the company’s technicians will need access to parking (for regular or oversized vehicles), power, water, or other utilities or materials. Nearby parking for vacuum trucks or ease of access for cleaning equipment can keep the work on track.
  • Keep pets and children out of the area while the work is ongoing, and steer clear of the area so you aren’t in the way. The contractors may need to go in and out of your home, and doors or windows may need to be open to allow for vacuums, cleaning equipment, hoses, plugs, or other items to go through.
  • Ask your crawl space and attic cleaning company representative what you can do to help speed the job along or make the work easier. There may be simple steps you can take to increase the contractors’ efficiency, which may cut down on the overall cost of the job.