Questions to Ask a Smog Check Facility in Person

When choosing a smog check facility, it’s wise to ask plenty of questions.

Once you’ve compiled a short list of local vehicle emissions testing centers near you that can serve your needs, it’s time to visit those stations to get answers to your questions and see the type of shop you’ll be dealing with.

Questions you may want to ask in person at smog test and repair stations include:

  1. How long will the smog test take?
  2. If my vehicle doesn’t pass the emissions testing, will you tell me why and help me figure out what repairs I need so it will pass next time?
  3. Will you perform a physical exam of my vehicle’s emission system as well as the actual smog test?
  4. Does your shop also provide emissions system repairs along with smog testing? How do you assure customers that you’re working toward their best interests?
  5. Can you help me if I’m applying for the Consumer Assistance Program (CAP) to help with my smog repairs?