Interviewing Asbestos Removal Companies and Their References

When choosing an asbestos removal company, it’s wise to ask plenty of questions.

Questions to Ask an Asbestos Removal Company

Once you’ve narrowed down the field to a few of the best asbestos removal companies, invite some contractors to visit your home so they can see the area and answer your questions in person.

Questions you may want to consider asking asbestos removal companies at this point include:

  • Do you and your employees do all of the asbestos removal work or do you hire subcontractors?
  • Can you provide me with 10 of your most recent references?
  • Will you provide a written contract for asbestos removal?
  • How long do you estimate that the process of asbestos removal and cleanup will take?
  • Will my family have to vacate the premises during the asbestos removal, and if so, for how long?
  • Do you expect that I will need any repeat treatments?
  • How long should it take to do the asbestos removal?
  • What type of warranty do you offer for asbestos removal?
  • Can I get a written contract?
  • Do you handle the diagnosis, removal and cleanup?

Questions to Ask an Asbestos Removal Company’s References

A quality asbestos removal company will be happy to provide a list of references for you to interview. Expect to receive a list of five to 10 recent customers whom you can contact.

Here are some questions to ask past customers of an asbestos removal company:

  • Were you satisfied with the service from this asbestos removal company?
  • Would you recommend this asbestos removal company to your friends and family?
  • If you need this work done in the future, will you choose this same company?
  • Did they clean up after they completed the job?
  • Did they regularly communicate with you about the status of your project?
  • If you live in a smaller town, did you have to pay extra for their travel expenses to your home?
  • Did they finish the work on time?
  • Did they show up for work on time?


Keep in mind that references provided by asbestos removal companies can be cherry-picked or even fake, so you’ll need to use your best judgment when researching them. To get greater assurance, consider hiring a Diamond Certified asbestos removal company. All Diamond Certified companies have passed an in-depth rating process that most other companies can’t pass. Part of this process involves conducting telephone interviews of actual customers. References provided by an asbestos removal company are not equal in value to the large, random sample of customers surveyed during the Diamond Certified rating process. So, if you want quality, you’ll have confidence choosing a Diamond Certified company.