Glossary of Terms for Funerals and Memorial Services

by Matt Solis


Navigating the world of funerals and memorials can be confusing due to the specific terminology used, but understanding these terms will help you make informed decisions about the services you need. Here’s a glossary of some common terms used in the funeral and memorial industry:

arrangement conference
A meeting between the funeral director and the deceased’s family to plan the funeral details. This conference covers aspects like the type of service, the handling of the body and financial arrangements.

A structure with small niches designed to hold urns containing cremated remains. It’s often located within a mausoleum or chapel.

The process of reducing the body to ashes using high heat. It’s an alternative to burial and can be followed by scattering the ashes, placing them in an urn or burying them in a cemetery.

direct cremation
A cremation process where the body is cremated shortly after death without a preceding funeral service.

A speech given during the funeral or memorial service that offers praise and celebrates the life of the deceased. Eulogies are typically delivered by close friends, family members or clergy.

grave liner or burial vault
A container, typically made of concrete, that’s placed in the ground before burial to prevent the grave from caving in over time. A burial vault is more substantial and protective than a grave liner.

green funeral
A funeral conducted in a way that’s intended to have a minimal environmental impact. This may include using a biodegradable casket or no casket at all, avoiding chemical preservatives and choosing a natural burial ground.

The burial of a body in a grave or entombment of cremated remains in a niche.

A building designed to house one or more bodies above ground. Family mausoleums can contain the remains of multiple family members.

memorial service
A service held to honor the deceased without the body present. It can take place shortly after the body has been buried/cremated or at a later date.

A written notice of a person’s death that includes a brief biography and information about the funeral service. Obituaries are typically published in newspapers and online.

A person who helps carry the casket during a funeral service. Pallbearers can be honorary (symbolic role) or active (physically carrying the casket).

A gathering before or after the funeral service where friends and family can come together to share memories and support each other. It may involve food and drink and can be held at a family home, community hall, or the funeral home.

A container designed to hold the cremated remains of the deceased. Urns can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, ceramic and wood. 

A time before the funeral where friends and family can view the deceased and pay their respects. This is usually held at a funeral home with the body prepared and presented in a casket. 

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