Commonly Requested Termite Control Services

When hiring a local termite control company, it’s smart to find out what services they offer and recommend for your particular needs. Here are some services commonly requested of professional termite companies:

Termite Control
Termite control services are any services that seek to prevent, eradicate and control termite infestations. Most termite control companies serve residential and commercial clients and offer a variety of termite inspections, prevention services, fumigation and termite tenting, termite traps, and other eradication services. Termite control companies may also offer termite damage repairs for areas that have been compromised by termites.

Termite Inspections
Termites leave proof of their presence, including damage to structures and the physical existence of termites themselves. It’s important for homeowners and business owners in termite-prone areas to have annual termite inspections to look for the presence of termites or termite damage. Most termite inspections include a conversation with the building’s owners or residents and a physical inspection. Physical inspections usually focus on areas of likely termite infestation, including wood areas, crawl spaces, decks, patios and other locations. Good termite inspections come with a written report of any findings.

Termite Treatment Services
Termite treatment services are those that inspect for termite presence or activity, assess any damage or signs of infestation, remove the termites present, prevent future infestations, and repair termite-damaged areas.

Termite Prevention
Even in areas with termite activity, termite infestation doesn’t have to be a given. Many termite contractors provide prevention services that help keep termites away from homes and businesses. Routine termite inspections, assessing and eliminating problem areas and conditions such as moisture and ground-to-wood contact areas, and applying termite preventatives can help keep termites from invading. Termite baits, termite monitoring systems and removing potential sources of food for termites can also keep termites at bay.

Subterranean Termite Control
Subterranean termites live underground in large colonies, venturing up to find wood and cellulose material to eat. They create tunnels made of saliva and mud to safely reach the wood on which they dine, and then fill the hollowed-out areas with mud in order to keep things humid and comfortable. Mud tunnels on or in walls and foundations can be a sign that subterranean termites are in your home or building. Termite control companies can control subterranean termites with a combination of preventative methods and treatment options.

Termite Fumigation and Tenting Services
Termite infestations may require fumigation and tenting to eradicate the termites (usually drywood termite colonies). Fumigation and tenting are considered whole-structure treatments, in contrast to localized treatments such as spraying. Termite fumigation and tenting is performed by a certified professional who covers your home or building with a tent and seals any air gaps before filling the home with a fumigant gas that eradicates termites. Structural fumigations and tenting takes 24 to 72 hours, and most homes are safe for reentry after six to 12 hours of treatment.

Green Termite Control
Green and eco-friendly termite control is available, but it may not be as effective as chemicals for preventing and eliminating termite infestations. Talk with your termite control company about Green termite control options available to you. Maintenance and careful cleaning and monitoring of termite-prone areas are the best preventative measures. Remove moisture sources, eliminate areas where wood touches dirt, and keep wood and dry leaf detritus away from homes and other structures. Low-toxicity termite treatments including orange oil and neem oil; heat, cold and electronic termite preventatives may also be effective.

Termite Bait/Traps
Termite baits for drywood termites, subterranean termites, and wetwood termites can be effective at preventing and treating infestations. Termite baits and traps can be installed above ground and underground, depending on the types of termites and threats near you. Termite contractors often install termite monitoring stations, bait cartridges, bait stations and other termite control systems, depending on the risks and needs of their clients.

Termite Damage Repair
Once termites have made your home their own, there will be damage to fix. The first step is to make sure the termite infestation is removed and all termites are exterminated. Your termite removal company should also help reduce the chance of reinfestation by applying preventative measures to your home or property. A thorough termite inspection should be performed to find all areas of damage. Then, termite damage repairs can begin. This often includes replacing damaged wood with new wood and fortifying damaged wood areas with new wood supports. Structural damage may require repairing or replacing ceiling and floor joists, wall studs, support posts, support beams, and other areas.