5 Tips to Promote Spinal Health

5 Tips to Promote Spinal Health

Regular chiropractic adjustments help maintain proper spinal alignment, but there are many additional measures you should take to keep your back healthy. Consider the following tips:

Stay hydrated. Proper hydration is crucial for the functioning of the entire body. When you’re dehydrated, it causes your muscles and spine to become tight and makes it harder for your kidneys to clean toxic buildup out of your system. Avoid this by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Get proper sleep. When you don’t get enough sleep (especially REM sleep), your body has a harder time healing itself, which can exacerbate any pains or injuries you have. Besides getting an adequate amount of sleep, make sure you have a comfortable, supportive mattress and pillow.

Invest in quality footwear. When it comes to the human body, the structures below support the structures above, which is why it’s important to have a solid foundation in the form of a proper pair of shoes. By wearing the right footwear, you’ll help minimize stress on your spine and your body as a whole.

Engage in daily movement. In order for your spine to stay healthy, it needs to get regular movement. Set aside time each day to stretch and move your body—this will go a long way toward preventing spinal stiffness and discomfort.

Maximize workplace ergonomics. Many people spend their workdays sitting at a computer desk, which isn’t great for spinal health. To minimize consequent back issues, make sure your work station is ergonomically correct. Better yet, get a standing desk that allows you to alter your position throughout the day.